Monday, February 06, 2006

Five Weird Things About Me (3)

Alors.. voici le troisième..

3. Everytime when I meet a person for the first time, since a hand shake, there are this kind of feeling, which I call it intuition. It is like a data coming out from my brain and alert me if there were something wrong, and all the time I don't want to believe it.

I always say to myself, come on Rat, you don't know this person, you've just met. But then, when it is proven, the little voice in my heart saying.. kaannnnn.....

Here are the example; when I was still studying at we had this junior which looked adorable, all my friends like her, it is true, she is sweet, but something alert me, and I don't know for what reason, and.. 3 years after she stole my finale requairement, which made, I lost my time in that division.

Honestly, I could find another to replace it, but the painful things is, I already called my patient to be patience while I had a sudden discusion with my prof, then when I get back, his gone.. I called him back and ask what went wrong, and he said, my colleague already did it for him, while this "sweet girl" she acted as nothing was happening, She could say, ah ya.. btw, I had to "steal" your finale requirement because I had to, and I could exchange it for you, by try to find one for you...

Nope.. she said nothing untill I asked her directly, and she with her sweet smile (which looked soo fake) saying.. oohh sory... that's all, so since it was a rare rquirement one, so I had to start all over again, but since then, I learn, to trust my feeling, since the first handsake..

It also happened to my mom, there were a business man, that looked so nice, helpful but again the same feeling stroke me since the first handsake, and quietly I told mom, don't trust this guy.. like usual, my mom said, don't be too paranoid and few months after, it happened.. he ran away with my mom's money.

The same pain I felt it again about two years ago, We were at one of our uncle's birthday, and one of the guest being introduced to us, offering a job for my sayang, and that strange feeling hit me, and I talked about it with thierry.

Like all the people which I shared this kind of weird undescribeable feeling, my husband reacted the same, but I tried to warn him, to be careful, and not to share all his great ideas..
Nights and nights he was working and contstructed his ideas to a presentable view, I know when his working, he gives everything.

Three months after, this guy flew to Paris with the other colleague and sold thierry's idea, without including him inside. When he confronted him, he said, Ah sorry, it is done.
So many jerk in this world...

The good thing about one of this weird things about me now, thierry listens more, and asks how is my feeling about something.. well.. I don't know about something, because.. I have to have this handsake first...

Ayu Fievet....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ratih, ikutan comment dikit ya..

My hubby dan my sister juga begitu tuh, seperti ratih punya feeling atau indera ke-6 kalo pertama kali ketemu orang.

Trus feelingya keseringan bener daripada salahnya..

Persamaanya dari kalian (Ratih, my hubby & my sister) adalah kalian sama-sama punya zodiak Cancer.. (ih, nyambung ga sih?)

- Novita Munandar

1:24 PM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mba Ratiiiiiih.....
Kalo aku gimana mba ? Yang aku inget si mbak seniorku satu ini sering ngeledekin dan aku pun ngeloyor malu.... gak ada feeling ga enak khaaan ?
Btw....who's that junior of yours? Koq aku nda tau ? Bukan aku khaaaan ? *nginget nginget*

4:50 PM, October 26, 2006  

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