Tuesday, April 12, 2005

When I loved myself enough

When I loved myself enough
I came to see I am not special
but I am unique
When I loved myself enough
I came to know my own goodness
When I loved myself enough
I began taking the gift to life serously and gratefully
When I loved myself enough
I came to love being alone
surrounded by silence,
awed by its spell,
listening to inner space
When I loved myself enough
I came to know I am worthy of knowing God directly
When I loved myself enough
I began to see I didn't have to chase after life.
If I am quiet and hold still, life comes to me
When I love myself enough
I gave up the belief that life is hard
When I loved myself enough
I learned to meet my own needs and not call it selfish
When I loved myself enough
The parts of me long-ignored,
the orphans of my soul,
quit vying for attention.
That was the beginning of inner peace
Then I began seeing clearly
When I loved myself enough
I began to see that desires of the heart to come,
and I grew more patient and calm,
except when I forgot
When I loved myself enough
I started feeling all my feelings,
not analysing them- really feeling them
When I do, something amazing happens. Try it. You will see

When I loved myself enough
My heart became so tender it could welcome joy and sorrow equally
When I loved myself enough
I learn to ask 'who in me is feeling this way?' when I feel anxious, angry, testless or sad
If I listen patiently I discover who needs my love
When I loved myself enough
I no longer needed things or people to make me feel safe.

to be continue..
from a great friend of mine who knows how to communicate with my inner me


Blogger Myr said...

when you love yourself enough, you can love others properly...and so do they. this life is kinda mirror of ourself.

1:18 PM, April 17, 2005  

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